Hard & Soft Mast Trees

Scattered trees I’ll be the first to admit that a wide open brushy field isn’t the most attractive. But if you either selectively leave some trees standing, and/or encourage certain species to grow to maturity you can GREATLY affect the food producing power of a piece of dirt Only tube, protect and flag the trees… Continue reading Hard & Soft Mast Trees


Jointvetch, Deervetch, Deer VetchWith a nickname of deer vetch there is no wonder why jointvetch would interest us. Little known to most, jointvetch is a very versatile tool in the hands of a deer land manager. Jointvetch is one of the few, highly desirable deer plants that loves shade. There should be a patch of… Continue reading Jointvetch


A robust shrub that puts on a large amount of green cabbage like growth every year, mass of vegetation increases with age, so the older the plant the more lush green growth each year. Partial to shade, hydrangea should be planted on the southern or western end of open fields or trees so that it… Continue reading Hydrangea

Bicolor Lespedeeza

Fun historical fact. In the late 70’s across the US there was a major push for farmers and habitat managers to plant a hardy native plant called bicolor lezpedeeza. A very interesting (although slightly misunderstood plant), is a perennial shrub, I could plant lezpedeeza around my front porch and you would just think it were… Continue reading Bicolor Lespedeeza


Teaweed, Sweet Tea for Deer, Sida Acuta I swear if you get stuck you could pull your truck out with this stuff.A neighbor once called me, Rusty I’ve got a problem. I’ve got a food plot that is full of some kinda super weed, I’ve sprayed it several times with gly, I’ve plowed it, I’ve… Continue reading Ironweed

Hardwood trees

Oaks, maples, among others We all know that deer eat acorns. Most of us have spent vast amounts of money and time planting, protecting, feeding and weeding mast producing trees. I know I sure have (and continue to do so). And unfortunately few of us will live to see or enjoy the fruits of our… Continue reading Hardwood trees

Chinese Privet

If I had to name one plant that was the bane of many land managers existence, chinese privet would probably be at the top of the list. I can’t even begin to estimate how many gallons of gly I’ve sprayed on the stuff over the years. The countless hours I’ve spent cutting, trimming, whacking and… Continue reading Chinese Privet


Basswood is very similar to mullberry, with slightly different berries and nectar filled flowers attract insects (bird food) and pollinators. In the fall thousands of small nutlets ripen which birds and deer will quickly devour. Basswood is a softer wood, which is highly desired by woodpeckers and other species which like boring or building nests… Continue reading Basswood


White Mulberry, Black Mulberry, Red Mulberry, Dwarf Black Mulberry, Afghan Mulberry. Here we go around the Mulberry Bush. Most people today have no clue what a Mulberry Bush even is. Some of you have probably seen mulberry trees. They are a very nice landscape shrub, small tree or large tree which produce a massive amount… Continue reading Mulberry

Recognizing Success

I planted it, and the deer ate it to the ground!! They killed it!! So I’ll never plant that again! A land/game manager managing almost 10,000 acres of prime deer country once said that to me. I kind of laughed it off because I didn’t know what to say. I think it took me a… Continue reading Recognizing Success